Rupunau Village

Origin and meaning of village name

The village name means Plum hill. There is a bush island {where this fruit can be found} and creek next to the village that goes with the fruit name.


Rupunau village is situated on the right bank of sand creek. Kanuku mountain to the north as its border.


There is no definite date to tell the exact time the village was founded. But the first family headman who settled here was Peter John. He used to live next to Daubara pawa {Biara falls on the Rupununi River} long before the Dadanawa ranch was established. He was asked to relocate his home, so that the ranch could be established. He moved and relocated at Achimara wa’o {creek named after the fish Himara, where there use to be an abundance of this fish species found}, east of where the ranch is today. The school was opened in 1976 as Achimara RC school, the first head master was MR. Frederick Atkinson and wife Elisabeth Atkinson. The school changed from RC school to Government school then late to Rupunau Primary School. Peter John came with his wife and two children. Then the St. Hill family came from sawariwa’o. Back then Peter John was known as the local head man. Mr. Samuel St. Hill was then appointed as their acting Toshao. And later Mr. Fred Atkinson was nominated as the first Toshao. 

Satellite Communities:

Wizii moro, located to the north of main village about 4 miles towards the kanuku mountain range. There are about 4 household remaining with a health post. There is no school in this area.


Our Village received a land title over a portion of our customary and in 2009, although it does not secure the full extent of our community land, forest and savannahs. We are now in the process of submitting a request for extension of our land title boundaries under Section 59 of the 2006 Amerindian Act. This application is ongoing in 2017.

Main ecosystems and resource areas:

The main ecosystems found in this area are mountain range, scattered rock mountains, Forest, savannah, numerous water ways, falls, bush island, small savannah hills. Some key names of resource areas are Pinididau- where Red deer, Bush deer, Powise, Finches, and Jaguars can be found. Karapodu- Pakobai, Aturo. Podu wa’o Himara

Double head mountain- powise and all game species. Kashish sabao- cock of the rock. These areas are within the extension lands and are mainly know as multiplying grounds. Most hunting, fishing and gathering grounds are along and between these main areas.

Economy and land use:

Farming, ranching, crafts, hunting, fishing, gathering, exchange labour. 

 Services and facilities:

Health- There is a health post staffed with 2 health worker. Equipped to handle basic health issues, any major or emergency cases is usually referred to a hospital via small plane supported by RAMS. There is an airstrip in the village. Education- there is a nursery department, Primary School. Communication by HF radios, snail mail, and cellular phone signal points at orowai tawa, Tawata wan, Raprap tawa, Parantari tawa, mode of transport mainly foot, bicycles, motor cycles, horse, bullock cows, carts, tractor and trailer, ATV.


Executive body of the village council, Toshao, Deputy Toshao, secretary, treasurer, assistant secretary/treasurer. 

Areas of responsibility are Education, Health, Infrastructure, Agriculture {crop and livestock} 

Community organisations

Village council {VC} official group that overlooks the affairs of the village, church groups- RC and voice of God recordings, SIAC- planning school activities, CPG- functions under the VC and main function is to assist the VC with social issues, women’s group, Tractor committee, members of SRCS- local conservation group, member of SRDC and SCPDA. Member of KMCRG.


No official village club to date. But participate at south central heritage celebrations. Will be organising themselves as a club in near future.

Community projects:

Ongoing projects are construction of market building to host village market day every forth night Fridays. Cattle project – aimed at increasing cattle to provide meat to villagers at a minimum cost and sheep rearing, to get funds to offset village cost of village work and feed up celebrations.

Future plans- savannah farming, pig farming. Build cassava bank to help save cassava sticks for villagers especially during the dry seasons.

Wildlife interest and tourist attractions

SRCS- red siskin and bird watching and jaguar caves at Tarataran, Natu tan, Ma bairii wa’o, sizkizz toon. Mountain or rock climbing at wiwii tawa, ikuwii tawa, wizii moro rock.

How do we care for resources

Since we are part of the SRDC, it is our intention to manage resources according to our collective vision as underlined in our territorial management plan. Also through our monitoring system which we are currently working on and developing. Our extension areas are our local version of protected areas as outlined in the management plan. Village rules need gazetting.


Group work at either farm or house work, village celebration on Easter or Christmas. Village scenery from mountain top looking west towards the village.
