Parabara Village

Name Meaning

It means some sort of fish place


 The area has long been used by our ancestors. The main village site of today was opened by Uncle Henry Lawrence and his sons in 1983. The Wai Wai families came to join the funding families several years afterwards.


 Estimated to be 184 persons in 2015 (24 households).

Land Rights

The Village does not have a land title and our rights to the land and forest are highly insecure. Our land has suffered many invasions by illegal miners from Brazil and other countries. Our Village is desperately seeking legal recognition and protection for our legitimate land rights for many years, but the matter is unresolved until today. A full title boundary description has been submitted to the government and we have received promises of title, but the title is now stuck up for several years and we do not know why. The matter is now being addressed in the formal land talks between the SRDC and MIPA and is ongoing in 2017.


The Village is governed by a Council with a Toshao, Treasurer, Secretary and a Deputy Toshao with responsibilities for education (primary), health, farming as well as village assets and tools.

Land Use and Economy

Farming - cassava, ground provisions, peanuts, citrus fruits, Hunting, Fishing, Gathering and Artisanal mining. 

Services and Facilities

Primary School

Health Centre

Airstrip (7 miles away)

Two churches

Transport (Village tractor, ATV, boat, bicycles)

Guest House

Community based organisations

Women’s Group

Youth Group

Community Projects

Community Development Project

Village Shop building

The Village has plans to repair the village vehicle (currently not in service)

Wildlife and Cultural Heritage interest

Species of importance in our area include the lovely cock of the rock bird. We are also proud that we have harpy eagles, jaguars, bush cows and ocelots among many other types of wildlife.

Photos: Farming and manor, fishing together + artisanal mining

How we care for our land and resources

We care for our resources though low levels of resource use mainly for subsistence needs. We feel strongly that effective protection of our land and environment must be addressed through titling and legal recognition of our land which is long overdue and so we are still vulnerable to invasion by outsiders. At the same time, we consider working and thinking together with all other Wapichan communities and the SRDC is important to defend our land and forests from harmful intrusions.
